7-11 Racism

Season 7 focuses on topics that have and continue to cause so much damage, people seem unable to civilly discuss them. The episodes this season will give you the tools you need to facilitate your ability to talk about these topics in a beneficial manner, with anyone, regardless of belief.

If you haven't listened to the What the Flock? Podcast episode covering Racism, click HERE.

This MOLC Podcast episode will help you understand how to interact with a person who holds a belief different than the one based on God's Doctrine. We’re doing this in order to help you lead with love, both to those who have hurt others and those who have been hurt.

Introduction to Season 7 - The Ultimate Answer (Leadership, Grace, Love) - Supplementary Teaching

2-13 Grace
1-15 Love
5-13 Dissolve

3-10 Human Thinking
3-08 Animal Thinking
4-12 Unity
4-13 Motivational Spiritual Gifts

Thanks for listening! Any questions, comments, or suggestions, please let us know!

email: joelswo@gmail.com
email: jonathanmfries@gmail.com
MOLC-K Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/molckimberly
MOLC-K Website: https://musicoflifechurch.com/
7-11 Racism
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