All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 in total
Introducing "Music of Life Church Podcast"
Welcome to the Music of Life Church Podcast. Thanks for listening!email: joelswo@gmail.comemail: jonathanmfries@gmail.comMOLC-K Facebook:

1-01 Drinking
The PJ's discuss the episode from the What the Flock? podcast on "Drinking."

1-02 Voting
Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Joel bring their commentary to the "Voting" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

1-03 Tattoos
The PJ's discuss the "Tattoos" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

1-04 Smoking
The PJ's analyze the "Smoking" episode from What the Flock?.

1-05 Swearing
Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Joel break down the "Swearing" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

Conjunctives - Supplementary Teaching
This episode is a Supplementary Teaching meant to give you the background information you need to better understand the words often used in the MOLC Podcast.

1-06 Tithing
The PJ's discuss the "Tithing" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

Love (and the Ultimate Answer) - Supplementary Teaching
This episode is a Supplementary Teaching meant to give you the background information you need to better understand the words often used in the MOLC Podcast.

1-07 Reading Your Bible
The PJ's break down the "Reading Your Bible" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

1-08 Church Attendance
Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Joel break down the "Church Attendance" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

1-09 Sex Before Marriage
The PJ's break down the "Sex Before Marriage" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

1-10 Divorce
The PJ's break down the "Divorce" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

1-11 Humility
Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Joel break down the "Humility" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

1-12 Women in Leadership
The PJ's break down the "Women in Leadership" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

1-13 Kings and Retirement
The PJ's break down the "Kings and Retirement" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

1-14 Wisemen and Kings
Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Joel break down the "Wisemen and Kings" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

1-15 Love
In this final episode of season 1, the PJ's break down the "Love" episode from the What the Flock? podcast.

2-01 God is Love - God's Nature Series (1 of 6)
Welcome to Season 2!! We're starting with a mini-series covering God's Nature! What have you been taught about this? What have you taught others?? In this episode, the...

2-02 The Three Omnis - God's Nature Series (2 of 6)
What's YOUR explanation for the "Three Omnis"? The PJs discuss the companion episode from the "What the Flock" podcast.

2-03 Sovereignty - God's Nature Series (3 of 6)
The PJ's continue to discuss the topic of God's Nature...especially reflecting on the "Sovereignty" companion episode from the "What the Flock?" podcast.

2-04 The Names of God - God's Nature Series (4 of 6)
Can you identify when a person is rationalizing their behavior? Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Joel discuss the "What the Flock?" episode covering the Names of God.

2-05 God's Existence - God's Nature Series (5 of 6)
Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Joel discuss the "What the Flock?" episode covering God's Existence.

2-06 God's Nature: The Non-Contradictory Answer - God's Nature Series (6 of 6)
What do you teach others about God's Nature? The PJ's discuss the answer they gave in the "What the Flock?" podcast about God's Nature!

2-07 Depression
How have church leaders taught you to deal with depression? How have YOU helped others with this issue?

2-08 Apologies vs. Confession
How have YOU been taught to handle when you're wrong?? The PJ's discuss the companion episode from the "What the Flock?" Podcast.

2-09 Repentance
A foundational topic, discussed by the PJ's, as the reflect on the "What the Flock?" Episode of the same name.

2-10 Forgiveness
What has church taught YOU about this topic?? The PJ's discuss the "What the Flock?" companion episode.

2-11 Faith
Has your Pastor ever given you the definition for this word? The PJ's go in-depth discussing the "What the Flock?" companion episode.

2-12 Sin
With a focus on the leaders in the church, the PJ's discuss the companion episode from the What the Flock? Podcast. What have you been taught about sin? What have you ...